JR PCM 10S Setup

The throttle connects to THRO channel (1)

The auxiliary connects to AUX2 channel (7)

ATV setup [12.TRAVEL]

Make sure that any mixing on AUX2 is off before calibration.

Setup the throttle servo and linkage as close to +/- 100% ATV as possible.

Select the AUX2 channel to +100% and -100%

The system is now ready for calibration. Calibration Procedure

The target rotor speed can be calculated using the ATV Calculator


Example 1): 2 speed setup:

Gear ratio = 9.3:1

ATV- = 39%, ATV+ = 72%


AUX2 Sw Posn     Rotor RPM

(DOWN)                 1200

(UP)                         1500


Example 2): 1 speed setup and disable:

Gear ratio = 9.3:1

ATV- = 0%, ATV+ = 72%


GEAR Sw Posn     Rotor RPM

(DOWN)                 Disabled

(UP)                         1500


Example 3): Flight Mode Mixing:

        Set the throttle curves in Flight modes 1 and 2 above the throttle priority level.

Set the AUX2 switch to the down position

Set the AUX2 ATV [TRVL ADJ] to -0%

Set the AUX2 switch to the up position

Set the AUX2 ATV [TRVL ADJ] to 100%

[51.PGM.mix1] - This mix disables the Governor in flight mode 'N'





[52.PGM.mix2] - This mix sets the target rpm to 1200rpm (39%) in flight mode '1'


SW 1,2



[53.PGM.mix3] - This mix sets the target rpm to 1500 (72% - 39% see note below) in flight mode '2'


SW F-2




          Note: The Mix3 rate is 72 (1500rpm) - 39 (1200rpm) = 33%


AUX2 Sw Posn     Flight Mode     Rotor RPM

Down                    N                   Disabled

                            1                    Disabled

                            2                    Disabled

Up                       N                   Disabled

                            1                     1200 rpm

                            2                    1500rpm